The Town of Avon Events Grant Program Connecticut provide support for conducting and organizing community events in town of Avon in Connecticut, through Department of recreation and Parks.
Purpose of Town of Avon Events Grant
The Town of Avon Events Grants supports local non-profit organizations that organize community events within Avon Town in Connecticut.
Town of Avon events grant program Connecticut aims to set up the guidelines commanding the evaluation process for grants applications seeking .
Goals, Mission and Objectives of Town of Avon Events Grants
The financial aid is designed to supply cultural and/or recreational opportunities for the residents to be approved for local festivals, community programs or special events, and generally promote the Town.
More consideration shall be given to events that promote the charm of the Town as a tourist place and/or live, celebrate and preserve the heritage of the Town and its residents and encourage recreational opportunities and/or enrich quality of life.
Town of Avon Events Grants Detail
The applicant’s community event must not be completely financially dependent upon receiving support from the Town of Avon Events , Avon community events grant program Connecticut .
Town of Avon Events Grants Size
Grant awards will be 25% of the overall applicant’s event budget or $7,500, whichever is less. For example, if the maximum award for an event with a budget of $10,000 would be $2500.
The maximum award for an event with a budget of $50,000 would be $7,500. A point to be noted is that requesting the maximum grant amount doesn’t ensure that the applicant’s request will be fulfilled, in whole, or in part.
No request is considered approved until the request has been recommended by the staff committee and approved by the staff committee and by the Town Council, the request is not considered to be approved.
Applicable State: Connecticut
Applicable for Town: Avon
Deadline: 01/06/2023 Generally this is the cycle of grant application open and Submission Date.
Size of the Grant: $7,500
Eligibility Criteria for Town of Avon Events Grants
The applicant must meet all of the following requirements and conditions:
The applicant must be identified by the IRS as tax-exempt under a 501c category.
Note that once the applications are approved the successful applicants will be required to submit a copy of its IRS Tax Exempt Determination Letter or its most recent IRS Form 990 to verify its tax exempt status.
The organizations whose main purpose is of a political or religious nature will be are not eligible for this Avon Events Grants program.
- The event supports the previously mentioned goals and objectives.
- Applicants must avoid using funds for their regular operational cost.
- A maximum of one grant will be awarded per event.
- Events must be held within the limits of the Avon Events Grants.
- The recipient of the funds shall recognize itself to the Town as a sponsor in a method consistent with other sponsors who have contributed funds of an equivalent value.
The applicant must comply with the Town’s Temporary Special Event Permit process as applicable.
A permit process by the Recreation & Parks Department must also comply with Applicants holding an event on Town property.
Funds may be awarded on a contingent-basis prior to the issuance of these permits; however, the funds will not be given to the applicant unless these permits were approved and issued in advance of the event.
Utmost priority will be given to grant requests that fund the purchase of items or services that will assist event organizers in protecting the public safety, health and welfare.
Examples of such items and services include, but are not limited to, refuse and recycling collection and disposal, portable restrooms and wash stations, emergency medical services, portable lighting, transportation and security services.
The requests for all the products and services prohibited for the use by, or sale to minors will not be entertained.
Applicants may not have any outstanding debts or liabilities owed to the Town of Avon. Applicants who have not satisfactorily fulfilled their commitment under previous grants from the Avon Events Grants will not be eligible for future grants.
The event must be free and open to the public. Events that charge any kind of entrance fee to the public or organize the event as a profit earning commercial venture will not be considered.
Events that include a fundraising or charitable donation component will be considered, as long as public participation in the event is not conditional on the receipt of a donation.
Applicants to seek funds from Town of Avon Events Grants will not discriminate on the grounds of race, religious color, creed, national origin, age, ancestry, mental and physical disability, medical condition, marital status, sex, or sexual orientation.
Further, the applicant must agree to conform to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. For more information about Avon town community grant program visit their official website
Exciting News! Avon’s Support for Community Events Grant Program is now accepting applications. Non-profit entities can apply for qualified events between Nov 1, 2023, and Feb 29, 2024. Don’t miss the deadline – Submit by 4:00 p.m. on Fri, Sep 1, 2023.
visit here for more information about department of recreational and parks visit this page